Makaton Friendly

The Makaton Friendly scheme recognises organisations that strive to make their services accessible to people who use Makaton to aid their communication.

We are passionate about communication and firmly believe that all children and adults with learning or communication difficulty should be able to access the same services and facilities.

How do I find a Makaton Friendly organisation?

Go to Find Makaton Friendly places to look for Makaton Friendly places near you. Zoos, castles, supermarkets, cafés, schools, hairdressers; where will the next place to become Makaton Friendly be?

We will add new Makaton Friendly organisations as they are approved. Can you think of any places in your local area that could be Makaton Friendly?

Look out for our Makaton Friendly organisations which will have this sticker in their window:

Makaton Friendly logo


Can I nominate my organisation as Makaton Friendly?

In the current climate we have had to make the decision to hold all pending and future Makaton Friendly applications until January 2021. This is subject to change depending on official updates.

We are currently remote working, so we are unable to process the applications. Do not worry if you have already sent an application, we will receive it when we return to the office and will process as soon as possible.

Makaton Friendly applications that we have received and are pending will be contacted.

Makaton Friendly that are coming up to renewal in this time will be contacted.

What makes an organisation Makaton Friendly?

The Makaton Friendly scheme is designed to recognise organisations that currently use Makaton and the people that use Makaton to feel welcome and enable them to access services within their community.
All organisations that have been awarded Makaton Friendly status have demonstrated that they:

  • Understand that different people use alternative ways to communicate.
  • Provide a supportive and welcoming environment so that people who have learning or communication difficulties whatever age, can take part in the services that are provided by your organisation.
  • The use of Makaton symbols and signs around the organisation to aid inclusiveness and independence with signage and wayfinding

How you can help

  • Visit our Makaton Friendly places, knowing that Makaton users will be supported and can access the services provided.
  • If you visit one of the many organisations that are Makaton Friendly, send your feedback to us. It would be great to hear how people who use Makaton find their visit.
  • Spread the word! When an organisation becomes Makaton Friendly they may put up a picture on social media, or write a blog for us: share; spread the word.
  • Do you know of an organisation that you think could be Makaton Friendly? How to nominate

If you would like more information about the Makaton Friendly scheme, please call us on 01276 606760 or email