The Makaton Charity

Mission statement

The Makaton Charity's mission statement is “to improve lives by enabling everyone to communicate successfully by using solutions that are effective and appropriate for them”.


Our Vision is “by 2025 to double the number of people we support, building a community o members, accessing innovative and life changing services”.


We work towards this through our activities:

  • providing training to families, carers, and professionals;
  • developing and producing printed and electronic resources;
  • working with others to make their information accessible;
  • providing advice and support for families and professionals;
  • working in partnership to influence society and empower people.

The Makaton Charity uses a sustainable, cascade approach to sharing Makaton. This ensures the maximum number of people can benefit from using Makaton.


Our nationwide network of over 1,000 licensed Makaton Tutors and Trainers across the UK deliver training to over 30,000 parents, carers and professionals each year.


Our wide range of printed and electronic resources extends from nursery rhyme DVDs to vocabulary books covering complex subjects such as bereavement to electronic collections of signs and symbols for computer use.


Accessible information enables Makaton users to participate in life. For example, by working with Local Councils to translate materials using Makaton symbols so that Makaton users can vote in local elections, and with housing associations to provide information about the services they offer.


Our free Family Advisory Service provides information and support to parents and family members of people with a learning or communication difficulty and to the professionals working with them.


Working with partners such as The National Portrait Gallery, Her Majesty's Court Service and the BBC promotes communication and makes Makaton available so more people are able to participate.